Nicolau Lisboa Café was born in the summer of 2016 in a little corner of Lisbon where we realized the dream of offering everyday healthy and really delicious food within a relaxed environment.
We are those that enjoy breakfast food at any time of the day. In Nicolau the brunch is no longer only on Sundays but it is always available. Each season we seek to renew our menu to have the best smoothies, salads and pancakes of the city :). Our love for the food is reflected in our work.
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We are told that when he arrived, nor the Lisbon girl and child has resisted him: Nicolau, the proud aristocrat with German blood (but Latin good talking) grew and became a reference of the capital...
More...AMÉLIA, the girlfriend of Nicolau: The delicacy and elegance of Amélia is only comparable to the irreverence she shows in her wonderful pink styling: the baroness of Campo de Ourique is the centre of attention of her small “county” of Lisbon...
More...BASÍLIO, the cousin of Nicolau: His stubbornness and courage cut Amazonian savannahs and opened the way for the Holy Grail of Brazil: the coffee...
More...A Olívia é uma pet lover! Uma mulher liberal, cheia de vida, que tanto gosta de Ioga e sumos verdes como se delicia com fatias de pizza e vinho tinto com os amigos.
More...Under the desire for a house near the sea and fulfilling the requests of the various visitors who visit us in Lisbon and Porto, Nicolau Cascais was born, after the search for the ideal space that would welcome the aura so intimately linked to the space in
More...We could have chosen another city or country or a different part of Lisbon since it would be easier but our love for Oporto was stronger so we have opened doors in a lovely and vibrant part of town, Cedofeita...
More...In the north of Portugal in Foz do Porto – Amélia Foz arrives, the poodle girlfriend of the famous Nicolau, who adopting an even more sophisticated, almost Parisian style, opens doors with new and fascinating flavors that promise a trip around the world.
More...Numa colaboração única, a familia Nicolau e a Malü Pet Wear unem forças para criar uma coleção de bandanas exclusivas que celebram a personalidade dos nossos melhores amigos.
More...O Nicolau vai à rua… para se juntar ao seu evento, com o melhor do nosso menu de pequeno almoço, almoço, lanche ou jantar, desta vez onde e quando quiser. Tudo servido nas nossas adoráveis caixas Nicolau, que vão dar um toque especial à sua mesa.