Green is our inspiration

Green is our inspiration


Nicolau Lisboa Café was born in the summer of 2016 in a little corner of Lisbon where we realized the dream of offering everyday healthy and really delicious food within a relaxed environment.

We are those that enjoy breakfast food at any time of the day. In Nicolau the brunch is no longer only on Sundays but it is always available. Each season we seek to renew our menu to have the best smoothies, salads and pancakes of the city :). Our love for the food is reflected in our work.

And we are growing, Nicolau fell lost in love with Amélia. Amélia Lisboa is located in one of the most popular quarters of the city and has a magic patio to make our days happier. This love will bear fruit and many stories to tell...

And now? It's never easy to decide what to do next. But since what moves us it's the will to be near - people, talks, work, love and dillemas - stay put was not an option.

So, here we go again! Now, to Avenidas Novas, in the heart of Lisbon, to know the happy Olivia. She is the new member of Nicolaus family and takes care of him since he was little.

We kept moving. Under the desire for a house near the sea and fulfilling the requests of the various visitors who visit us in Lisbon and Porto, Nicolau Cascais  and Amelia Foz were born, after the search for the ideal spaces that would welcome the aura so intimately linked to the space in downtown Lisbon and similar to what happens in this one, the all day cafe in Cascais and also Foz, intend to receive, in addition to the locals, several visitors from all corners of the world and even furry friends, being the pet-friendly space. Make us a visit!

I Love Nicolau


#NicolauLisboa #AmeliaLisboa #BasílioLisboa #NicolauPorto #OliviaLisboa #NicolauCascais #AmeliaFoz

#Ilovenicolau #greenisourinspiration

Our Locations

Nicolau Lisboa

Amélia Lisboa

Basílio Lisboa

Nicolau Porto

olivia lisboa

Olivia Lisboa

nicolau cascais

Nicolau Cascais


Amélia Foz



A familia Nicolau e a Malü Pet Wear unem forças | Feb. 26, 2025 | Amélia

Numa colaboração única, a familia Nicolau e a Malü Pet Wear unem forças para criar uma coleção de bandanas exclusivas que celebram a personalidade dos nossos melhores amigos.

O teu catering descomplicado | Jan. 17, 2025 | Nicolau

O Nicolau vai à rua… para se juntar ao seu evento, com o melhor do nosso menu de pequeno almoço, almoço, lanche ou jantar, desta vez onde e quando quiser. Tudo servido nas nossas adoráveis caixas Nicolau, que vão dar um toque especial à sua mesa.

A febre do açaí está para durar | June 26, 2024 | SÁBADO

Com as lojas a multiplicarem-se pelo País, a convicção de que o açaí veio para ficar é consensual entre vendedores. Falámos com eles e destacamos 10 sítios onde pode provar o fruto, em Lisboa e Porto.

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